Backing Tracks: can you slow them down?

Playing in a band is fun: but don't you need years of music reading experience and practise to join one?

Learning band songs has never been so easy: simply plug and play!

Plug in and Play Music MattersWith easy access to BACKING TRACKS kids can get together and play many popular songs together in a band. Jamming is great fun and really good for you too. Let's not underestimate the benefits of learning through socialising, not to mention the emotional feeling of well being music brings in all its forms.Music Matters Sunshine Coast Kids Gig bandsThere are, however a few minor details to attend to before the Kids Gig Band can hit the streets, stage-ready.Let's just focus on one aspect of learning music using backing tracks: how do you slow them down so beginners can actually keep up with them?Practically speaking, just how can kids keep in time with the speed of a song they want to learn on the internet? Luckily there are a few options. Slowing songs down, changing the pitch of a song and creating loops to make songs easier to play encourages more practise. As kids become better acquainted with a song, they can use special software to speed the song up gradually as their skills improve.Here are three of many apps available to change the speed and pitch of songs.AudioSpeedChanger:Amazing Slow Downer: as the name suggests music can be slowed right down in order to facilitate practise.Anytune: free version with limited functionality. You can export the file after it is modified. AnyTune Music MattersAudioSpeedChanger: Android app has the same functions as the others but you can't export. You have to save within the program.As mentioned there are many more apps that allow speed modifications, looping, pitch changes and exporting saved changes. Most have a free trial with limited ability to do what you want, but at least you can have a go and see if these apps are suitable for your child's needs.Call Heather today to enrol in a variety of music lessons including band! 0418 563 226  


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